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Friday, November 21, 2008

MTC Call for Ideas Response

Multi-modal Transit Center

Call for Ideas Response
In mid 2008 HDR, a large consultant company who has been hired by the City of Raleigh to create a plan for the new Multimodal Transit Center (MTC), sent out a call for ideas. Our group responded with an eight page brief which requested that the following items should be considered:

1. Rework the PSNC site by imposing a streetscape plan that would cause mixed used buildings to be built close to the street, providing a good walking environment and shielding any industrial uses from public view.
2. Limit egress and views of the Railroad tracks
3. Create a pedestrian bridge over the tracks connecting the MTC to the Rosengarten Greenway
4. Create a “shared-space” urban walkway along Dupont
5. Re-envision the Rosengarten Greenway as a Pedestrian Green Street
6. Create a pedestrian bridge connecting Dorothea Dix to the Rosengarten Greenway

See the full MTC proposal by clicking here

Since the brief was filed, the PSNC site has come up for sale. We had assumed this would never happen due to the existing gas infrastructure on the land. Instead, PSNC is selling 4.7 acres of the 5.5 acre site, keeping the gas lines in place. This opens up a number of opportunities that didn’t exist prior to our first response. We submitted a revised concept with the sale in mind and it can be viewed by clicking here.

Evolution of Development Plans
Our plans for the developments we have under our control have evolved through several design iterations and in response to changes in the marketplace. See for the most recent information.

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